Compassionate, integrative, expert reproductive healthcare
Fertility + Reproductive Health Acupuncture
San Diego, CA

Holistic Reproductive Healthcare with Heart
Natural Harmony is dedicated to providing the best in integrative reproductive healthcare. Our team specializes in fertility acupuncture, pregnancy support & holistic endometriosis & PCOS treatment. As leaders in integrative reproductive medicine in San Diego, we bring together the best of Eastern and Western medicine to create evidence based plans rooted in ancient wisdom and tradition.

Reproductive Health
From puberty to menopause and beyond, your body is always evolving—acupuncture and integrative medicine provide holistic support for every stage of reproductive health.
Fertility & Pregnancy
Optimize fertility and nurture pregnancy with acupuncture and integrative medicine—balancing hormones, enhancing circulation, and easing stress for every path to parenthood.
Endometriosis & PCOS
Endometriosis and PCOS can impact every aspect of life—acupuncture can help restore balance by reducing inflammation, regulating hormones, and supporting the body’s natural healing.
Dr. Merritt’s philosophy is simple:
Slow down and listen to what your body is asking for, be kind and gentle with yourself, fuel your cells with the unique nutrients your body needs to heal and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
This journey is not always easy, but it can be done — you can heal, and we’re here to cheer you on every step of the way!

Our Specialites

- Elevated FSH
- Low AMH
- Luteal phase defect/low progesterone
- Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR)
- Recurrent pregnancy loss
- Endometriosis
- Endometritis
- Pre and post menstrual spotting
- Unexplained infertility
- Uterine fibroids
- Sperm quality
- IVF and IUI support

- Threatened miscarriage
- Morning sickness
- Back pain
- Sciatic pain
- Round ligament pain
- Pelvic/groin pain
- Chronic headaches
- Breech presentation
- Labor & delivery preparation
- Chronic fatigue

- Pain management
- Fertility support
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Digestive issues
- Immune function
- Scarring & adhesions
- Hormone balancing
- Pelvic dysfunction

- Anxiety
- Depression
- “Baby blues”
- Milk production
- Mastitis
- Fatigue
- Recovery from vaginal delivery
- Recovery from C-section delivery
- Nutrition support

Reproductive Health
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids
- Menstrual pain
- Irregular cycles
- Ovarian cysts
- Chronic UTIs
- Menopause

- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Stubborn weight gain
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Insomnia

- Cycle regulation
- Ovulation support
- Blood sugar support
- Weight loss
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Digestive issues
- Hormone balancing

LGBTQ Health
- Support during transition
- Natural hormone support
- Recovery from surgery
- Fertility for surrogacy
- Reproductive health care
- Addiction recovery support
- Stress management
- Anxiety
- Depression
Our Acupuncture Team

Merritt Jones, DAIM, LAc, FABORM, MS, CNC
Founder, Clinic Director

Erin Sandoval, DACM, LAc, FABORM, MS
Clinic Lead, Reproductive Acupuncturist

Ramona Deonauth, DAOM, LAc, FABORM, MS
Reproductive Acupuncturist

Kari Peviani, LAc, MS, DACM
Reproductive Acupuncturist

Brigitte Sacco, LAc, MS, DACM
Reproductive Acupuncturist
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Fertility Acupuncture + Reproductive Health San Diego
Blog: Optimizing Fertility + Reproductive Health
How to Eat for Endometriosis
Trying to figure out how to eat for endometriosis? Like most endo warriors, you've probably scoured the internet for that one proven endometriosis diet that will make your symptoms disappear. The truth is, endo requires a multifaceted approach -- there's no...
Natural Treatment for Unexplained Infertility
Unexplained fertility may be one of the most frustrating diagnoses a patient can receive. The truth is, however, often with “unexplained” infertility, there is actually a cause, but it has yet to be identified. This is where integrative + functional medicine can...
Is Inflammation Impacting Your Fertility?
Does Inflammation Impact Fertility? It sure does. In fact, inflammation can have an effect nearly every aspect of fertility, from egg and sperm quality to uterine lining, implantation and more.