Natural Harmony Health

Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions


The website (hereinafter “Website”) is owned and operated by Natural Harmony Reproductive Health, a California professional corporation (hereinafter “we” “us” “our”). Please read the following Disclaimer before using our Website. By visiting and using this Website, you (hereinafter “visitor” “you” “your”) are consenting that you have read this Disclaimer and agree to be bound by its terms.

1.     Website Use

A.   To access or use Website, you must be 18 years or older and have the required mental capacity to enter into and abide by this Disclaimer. By using Website, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age, and that you agree to the Disclaimer herein. Use of Website by anyone under 18 is not authorized.

B.    This Disclaimer may be subject to changes or updates, and Website may not provide notice of such changes or updates. We reserve our right to make changes or updates at any time, and the burden is on the user to routinely check Disclaimer for updates. By continuing to use Website and the content we produce, you agree to be bound by the most updated version of the Disclaimer, whether or not you have read it. If you are not in agreement with the Disclaimer as is, please do not use our Website or any of the content that appears thereon.

2.     Purpose

A.   The purpose of Website is solely to provide general and educational information about acupuncture and alternative medicine, and to share the author and clients’ personal opinions and experiences. Any content on this website or provided as a result of your decision to opt-in to our email list has been created solely for the purpose of education and for informational purposes only. Nothing on this website or distributed via email is intended to take the place of a consultation with a physician, dietician, nutritionist, counselor, medical professional of any kind, lawyer, doctor, accountant, psychic, or other professional.

3.     Medical Disclaimer – Not Medical or Dietary Advice

A.   The content on Website is not to be considered medical advice for any reason, and nothing herein is intended to provide or act as a substitute for physical or mental health treatment. Reading information on the Website does not create a medical or acupuncturist-patient relationship. The information contained on Website or via email is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, nor is anything contained herein designed to provide you with a medical diagnosis, treatment, or other medical services. By visiting this Website, you understand and agree it is not providing medical or other health-based advice, nor is it attempting to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.

B.   Please consult your physician or relevant health professional prior to implementing any suggestions found on Website, or before scheduling an appointment. We encourage you to use common sense in determining whether any such content is right for you, and trust that you will discuss with a personal medical professional prior to following any such information. Nothing contained on Website is intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical condition or disease, nor is it to be considered medical advice in any capacity.

4.     No Guarantees

A.   The purpose of Website and the content herein is designed to provide you with useful information, and to support and assist you in reaching the goals you desire. However, individual success depends on your own mental and emotional state, as well as your dedication, effort, and commitment. While we make every effort to help those interested in acupuncture and herbal medicine, we cannot know your personal situation; therefore, we cannot guarantee that you will attain certain results. You agree and understand that we do not make any guarantees regarding any specific results from using information found on Website, and that any success will come in large part to your own personal situation and medical needs.

5.     Voluntary Participation

A.   By choosing to visit this site and read the information provided, you understand and agree that you are voluntarily choosing to read, implement and/or participate in the use of Website and any information contained herein, and are solely responsible for any outcomes or results (positive or negative.) We cannot be responsible for any action you may choose to take regarding the information provided, and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible nor liable to you should you sustain any injuries.

6.     Limitation of Liability

A.   You understand and agree that your participation in using our website is wholly voluntary, and you are solely and personally responsible for your actions, choices, and any results therein. You understand and agree that any suggestion or recommendation of a product, service, or otherwise through our Website is purely information. Any decision to act upon these suggestions is to be taken by you, at your own risk, without any liability on the part of Natural Harmony Reproductive Health. You agree to accept all risks herein.

B.    Your use of this Website constitutes an agreement and acceptance that you will absolve Natural Harmony Reproductive Health as well anyone acting as an agent, consultant, affiliate, guest blogger, joint venture partner, employee, staff, team member, or anyone affiliated with us in any way of any liability for any loss, damage, injury, or litigation that you or any other person may incur from direct or indirect use of the information, content, or products found on our Website or via materials requested through email.

C.    You understand and agree that we are not to be held liable for any type of direct or indirect damages arising out of your use of our Website, any information contained herein, or any products or services purchased therefrom, including but not limited to general, specific, incidental, consequential, punitive, or special damages.

7.    Indemnification

A.    You agree at all times to defend, fully indemnify and hold harmless Natural Harmony Reproductive Health Wellness and any affiliates, agents, team members or other party associated with it from any causes of action, damages, losses, costs, expenses incurred as a result of your use of our Website or any products or services contained therein, as well as any third party claims of any kind (including attorney’s fees) arising from your actions in relation to our Website or any breach by you of any such conditions outlined herein. Should we be required to defend ourselves in any action directly or indirectly involving you, or an action where we decide your participation or assistance would benefit our defense, you agree to participate and provide any evidence, documents, testimony, or other information deemed useful by us, free of charge.

B.     Should you choose to utilize information offered on our website, whether free or for purchase, you understand that we are not liable to any party, for any damages—whether direct, indirect, consequential, foreseeable, incidental or otherwise—stemming or perceived to stem from use of or reliance upon any information contained or found on our Website, or from products or services purchased therefrom. You also understand and agree that we are not liable for any damages incurring as a result of your reliance or use of information on our Website written by a third party, whether endorsed or not by us, and you agree to release us from any and all claims stemming from, or perceived to stem from, reliance on information contained on our Website.

8.     Accuracy

A.   Although we have spent considerable time and effort in creating the information on Website, and the content provided herein, you understand and acknowledge that we are not responsible nor liable for any errors, omissions, or liability as a result of any loss or damages incurred as a direct or indirect result of your use of Website content or our products. You also understand there may be inadvertent typographical errors or inaccuracies. By your use of this Website, you acknowledge and understand this information, and agree you have chosen to utilize our Website and/or our products voluntarily. You agree that we are not responsible for the accuracy of our Website, or for any errors or omissions that may occur on the site or in our products.

9.     Testimonials

A.   Website may feature testimonials from clients from time to time, in order to provide readers with additional comments from others’ experiences with Website, Natural Harmony Reproductive Health and products or services offered. While all information, photos, and quotes used are from actual clients, sharing their real, honest opinions of our website and services, these testimonials are not to be considered as a guarantee that current or future clients will experience the same results, or a guarantee that all clients will have the same experience. You understand and agree that by reading a featured testimonial on our Website, you do not expect the same results, and understand this information is not a guarantee.

10.  Warranties

A.     You understand and agree that we make no warranties, express or implied, and hereby renounce any such warranties, guarantees, or representations with respect to any portion of our Website, the content herein, content distributed through email lists, social media, via webinars, or that which is made available through purchase via our membership site. By use of the Website, you agree and understand that use of content and information found herein is to be used at your own risk, with no guarantees, representations, or warranties regarding fitness for particular purpose, accuracy, or otherwise. Your use of constitutes a full and complete acceptance and agreement to this Disclaimer.