Acupuncture for IVF

Acupuncture + Integrative Medicine for IVF

embryo transfer IVF acupuncture san diego We love collaborating with our patients’ Reproductive Endocrinologists to optimize their IVF or IUI treatment outcomes. We have strong collaborative relationships with many of the RE clinics in San Diego. 

Our integrative acupuncture plans are a safe and often welcomed compliment to IVF treatment because they can reduce stress, promote healthy blood flow and circulation to the reproductive organs, help to build a healthy uterine lining, may help to prevent recurrent miscarriages and more.

In fact, studies have shown that acupuncture leading up to retrieval and before + after your embryo transfer can dramatically improve your odds of success.

Additionally acupuncture can help to mitigate many of the common symptoms associated with IVF and hormone therapy including mood swings, fatigue and irritability.

Preparing for Egg Retrieval + Embryo Transfer

Our doctors utilize proven protocols combined with customized care plans to maximize your odds of IVF success. We typically recommend starting treatment 2-3 months before your retrieval date, however if you’re already headed into your transfer, we’d still highly recommend receiving acupuncture before and after the procedure. 

Acupuncture may support retrieval and transfer by:

  • Optimizing blood flow (ie nutrients!) to the ovaries –> healthy eggs!
  • Improving blood flow to the cervix, uterus and ovaries, optimizing chances of easy implantation and a healthy, full term pregnancy
  • Settling the nervous system and reducing stress. This will help you relax before, during and after the procedure
  • Minimize symptoms common after embryo transfers

We collaborate with San Diego IVF clinics, including:

Fertility Acupuncture for the LGBTQ+ Community

IVF Embryo Acupuncture Natural Harmony Reproductive Health believes that all families deserve to have access to the best fertility support available. We are well versed in the processes that LGBTQ+ families may need to go through in order to bring a child into their lives, and are thrilled to offer fertility and pregnancy support to the queer community.

We welcome families of all shapes and sizes and are happy to work in tandem with reproductive endocrinologists, OB/Gyns, IVF/IUI fertility clinics, midwives, surrogates, known donors and others to support you in your fertility and pregnancy journey.

Check out some of the studies on how acupuncture can support fertility + reproductive health! 

Top Acupuncturist in San Diego