
Natural Postpartum Treatment

The arrival of baby can be simultaneously thrilling, shocking and downright exhausting. Although many new parents-to-be spend months preparing for for pregnancy and delivery, most are surprised and perhaps a little unprepared for the changes that come after baby is born. Self-care postpartum is essential to a comfortable recovery.

Acupuncture, nutrition therapy and herbal medicine can support postpartum mamas through:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Milk production
  • Exhaustion
  • Lactation pain/mastitis
  • Healing from delivery/vaginal trauma
  • Healing from c-section
  • Aches and pains postpartum
  • Nutrition postpartum

Tips to make postpartum recovery a little easier:

  • Rest. In traditional Chinese culture, it is customary for the gestational parent to rest in bed for at least two weeks before getting up and resuming much activity. During this time, they sleep and bond with baby while family members tend to the rest of the world. While this may not be entirely realistic for all postpartum folks in the West, we think the idea is a good one. Give yourself permission to just rest. There will be time enough to accomplish all of the “to do’s,” but without rest, you’ll have a hard time getting to them.
  • Nourish. Nutrient dense foods are your best friend postpartum. It’s normal to lose a good amount of blood during delivery, and your body just completed one of the most brilliant and challenging tasks that you’ll ever ask of it. Now it’s time to nourish it. Focus on natural blood building foods to support the body in making strong, healthy blood:
    • Bone broth
    • Goji berries
    • Beets
    • Grass-fed beef
    • Dark leafy greens
    • Soups and stews
    • Lots of H20
    • Coconut water
  • Ask for help. Between utter (temporary!) exhaustion, wacky hormones and the excitement of a new baby, you may find that you’re a little “off your game.” Emotions may be running high, and there will likely be moments of high-highs and low-lows. Now is a time to speak your needs. Your community is SO excited for you and wants to support you, so don’t be afraid to ask. Be gentle with yourself as you learn how to navigate this new existence with baby, and try to be patient while your body recovers. You’ve got this.
  • Consider taking herbs. Making and delivering a baby demands a lot of resources from the body! It is important to replenish these resources with food and herbs postpartum. Proper nutrition and custom tailored herbs can help to rebalance the endocrine system and may help reduce the occurrence of postpartum depression and/or anxiety. Talk to your acupuncturist about the right herbs for you.
  • Consider getting acupuncture. Acupuncture can be incredibly restorative to a nervous system that may be a little bit in shock after labor and delivery. Getting regular acupuncture during the postpartum months can help promote a smooth recovery in mind, body and spirit and help prepare you for the next phase of your motherhood journey.

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